Pastels 12 by 18 inches Set One Hundred and Thirty Seven

No one can design an ugly boat.
For what men want is what men need.
But today we're trying to think with fear!
So students hold, your pencils dear.

#877A Curious Young Boy climbing into a Large Outdoor Pet Cage then Cowering to Protect himself from a Bat

#878A Teen Girl Grudgingly moving aside for a Successful Woman to pass who has huge Tartan Shoulder Pads Also

#879A Man talking About one of his Theories suddenly Giving himself a Shudder of Fear

#880Being given a Very Dusty Vintage Wool Sweater and Politely being Thankful

#881A TV Clown Demonstrating how to hold a Disposable Plastic Cup up against the Lens of a Five inch Eye Ball

#882Man wearing Humorous Plastic Hat Coat Tie and Plastic Name Tag that reads OFFLINE

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